How Ministry of Style can help you achieve a stylish and sustainable wardrobe

At Ministry of Style we are all about having great style but also caring about where our clothing comes from and how we can contribute in small ways to helping the planet. Here are a few ideas that can help:

Having been an avid vintage and second-hand shopper since I was 14 – this is the ultimate way to revamp your wardrobe and give yourself an original look. Often I will visualise a look I would like to emulate before I hit the vintage emporiums and op-shops, or check trends on instagram and other fashion platforms/magazines. I often find what I want or near to it – this also work’s for clients that I am vintage shopping for.

One of the best ways of being kind to the planet is to keep clothing in constant circulation rather than throwing out pieces you no longer wear. Keep it on standby by packing it away for future reuse. Every couple of years go through your keep clothing and pull out items you can use to refresh and re-imagine your current wardrobe.

We do need new items of clothing but chose wisely and once again before purchasing, visualise what you already have in your wardrobe and how you can wear that new piece. Taking a personal shopper with you is a great help in choosing those new pieces so you don’t overspend or buy something you won’t end up wearing.

Shop at places that are upfront about where their clothing is made, who makes it, their sustainable practices or what their clothing is made from – do they use sustainable fabrics such as wool? More and more brands are doing this and buying New Zealand made always a good option.

If you can sew then try making your own clothes out of vintage/second-hand or sustainable fabrics using vintage patterns, or get a dressmaker to make you something utterly original. Ministry of Style love’s to figure out new ways of wearing or changing a piece of clothing already in your wardrobe, by re-inventing it as a must wear item or adapting to wear as a current style. We can help you to go through your own closet to get the most out of your current clothing.

And also look  out over the next couple of months as Ministry of Style will be selling great vintage pieces via istagram!

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