Recently I have had quite a number of queries of what exactly a Ministry of Style Look Book is. Basically it is a professional magazine digital style flip book made into a personalised Fashion Style Guide and includes a PDF that you can keep and print out for future reference. It’s pretty cool really, clients love them! Images above are example pages
The usual way I put them together is by either doing the Wardrobe Edit or Style Make-over:
Wardrobe Edit Look Book: Once we have gone through your wardrobe and put some outfits together I photograph these (so you always know exactly what goes together) we then decide what you need to add to your wardrobe, how you would like to dress, styles and looks you like. I then go away and put all this information together and add plenty of ideas for your personal style revolution. These ideas will include what to buy in the future, where to buy it, tips & tricks. The Look Book will feature images of your outfits and other images for a visual guide. Once finished I email it to you.
Style Makeover Look Book: As above with the Wardrobe Edit. But also included will be ideas & images of the shopping we will have done after the Wardrobe Edit. I will give you lots of practical style advice & imagery to help you with the pieces you have at home and options we purchased.
Ministry of Style are also doing Look Books for clients who do not live in Auckland. I achieve this by emails, phone calls or skyping, so I can get a good idea of what you have in your wardrobe and what you will need to buy now or in the future and get an idea of your current style and how you would like to change or add to this. Giving you ideas for shopping using your local shops or on line shopping.
A wonderful service to add to a styling session, it gives you something to keep and is always on hand to go back to, or a great way to get a professional stylist to help you with your style & wardrobe if you live out of Auckland. This is an original Ministry of Style concept and the first to be done in New Zealand. Get one now!