Vintage Style Guidance: if you are looking at bringing vintage/second-hand aspects into your wardrobe then Ministry of Style can help, with over 20 years years of doing just this, long before it become de riqueur. I have a great knowledge of the best places to shop and am particularly successful at incorporating vintage and thrifted pieces with what you already have in your wardrobe or with new items – blending as I like to call it.  A creative mind full of ideas, working with you on a collaborative basis. Ministry of Style’s vintage styling, incorporates looks that don’t represent one era – a mix that doesn’t necessarily look vintage (unless you want) but stylish, modern and original. And optioning one of Ministry of Style’s personalised Look Books full of ideas, tips and valuable information will give you ample scope to transverse vintage style.

Feedback from a happy customer:

From Figen: Love your vintage finds Jacqui; you changed how I assemble outfits by hunting in my wardrobe & being more adventurous…


Pieces(below) from my own wardrobe that I am loving at the moment, in particular velvet. I picked up both these dresses quite a few years ago, the blue/green velvet is a stunner and I even worn it when I was pregnant nigh on 14 years ago! I always store great pieces I have lost interest in, unpacking them again feels like you have brand new garments. Although this can be an issue when your weight goes up and down as mine does, so I choose to keep what I really love. Also this requires access to a lot of storage space which can be hard in apartments etc but I suggest if you can, keeping those pieces you really love but need a break from and then on-selling or donating items you don’t.


Some pre-loved styling from my own collection below:








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